• Technology & Possible Futures

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Freedom - Restraint - Responsibility - Order With freedom comes responsibility, and to afford...
    The vision humanity holds for our collective future seems to be encapsulated in our science...
  • Self Development

    Reflections on things I've learned from overcoming depression and debilitating physical ailments, to an existence free from shame and guilt... living my best life yet!

    What makes us feel fulfilled? What does it mean to be fulfilled? Is fulfilment an ideal state...
    I am assuming in beginning this essay, that most people in modernity would accept the statement, ...
    There is a lot of discussion within the corporate world about Emotional Intelligence (EQ). A...
    21 avril 2021
    What gives life meaning is to find ways that we can serve others.    We have built an economic...
  • Philosophy

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    16 mars 2023
    Contemplation of Hell. "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good - except God...
    What makes an action right or wrong?   The word 'right' as with 'good' is often used synonymously...
  • Politics & Institution

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations on the current state of the world and the institutions that run it.

    We are living in a precarious time. Inflation is having a lasting impact on the food products we...
    18 décembre 2021
    I as with many people, have abided by the changes to the laws during the pandemic, but still have...
    Freedom - Restraint - Responsibility - Order With freedom comes responsibility, and to afford...
    The vision humanity holds for our collective future seems to be encapsulated in our science...
  • Psychology

    Reflections on various psychologists and my perspective as I read and reflect on their truths as they exist within myself.

    There is a lot of discussion within the corporate world about Emotional Intelligence (EQ). A...
  • Human Nature

    Looking within to see what sits at the base of my nature, what differentiates me from my animalistic self. My Higher Consciousness fr

    What makes us feel fulfilled? What does it mean to be fulfilled? Is fulfilment an ideal state...
    Order is necessary, as it ensures survival. Chaos is necessary as it opens the organism up to new...
      Recently I've been contemplating the nature of selfishness, being protective of my time and...
  • Environment and Ecology

    Essays looking into the ecological destruction society continues to create through excessive consumption and desire. As well as some potential solutions.

    29 juillet 2021
    Knowledge is a double edged sword, each time we learn something new, it paves the way for new...
    Our lives are stories, the past exists as an experience. A memory. We share those memories...
    What is humanity’s collective vision for the future? Gare's Manifesto highlights, "The global...
    The ecological crisis can be likened to Rubik's cube, where the globe is the game, the blocks are...
  • God beyond Religion

    Reflective Essays on God outside of the religious context, or with an interplay of ideas between religions.

    15 avril 2021
    To put it into one word, experience. I must first make the distinction that I am not looking at...
  • Virtues and Sin

    Essays and Reflections as I investigate the nature of Virtue and Sin

    16 mars 2023
    Contemplation of Hell. "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good - except God...
  • Preparing Souls for Life and Death

    Essays and Reflections as I investigate the nature of the soul, how we should live, what happens when we die, and our soul after death.

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Baha'i (The Bab & Baha'U'llah)

    Essays and Reflections as I investigate the Baha'i writings

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Buddhism (Buddha)

    Essays and Reflections as I investigate Buddhism and the Buddha

    What makes an action right or wrong?   The word 'right' as with 'good' is often used synonymously...
  • Christanity (Jesus)

    Essays and Reflections as I investigate Christianity and Jesus

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Hinduism (Krishna)

    Essays and Reflections as I investigate Hinduism and the Bhagavad Gita

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Judaism (Abraham to Moses)

    Essays and Reflections as I investigate Judaism

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Islam (Muhammad)

    Essays and Reflections as I investigate Islam.

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Zoroastrianism (Zoroaster)

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Societal Constructs

    Begin to think on the questions that really matter

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • broken image

    Meet the writer

    Scott Young

    If someone asks why im studying philosophy.

    I spend a lot of my day in deep thought, and enjoy being able to have discussions abstract in nature. I love having discussions if not with people, then with their ideas through books. I am a student of history, which shines light in the cyclically evolving nature of the conversation of individual rights vs responsibilities. This gives me insight into the logic behind the disintegration of societal trust in modern governments and corporations error. Lastly a passion for abstraction and creative ideas leaves me with filled notebooks with ideas about every company, or any topic.


    Perhaps the best reason is something I felt for the last 7 or 8 years, is the awe of how little i know and will ever know. But not learning is not an answer. When i read this quote from confusious as told by Will Durant gave me the real reason i study philosophy. I want to change the world in my own way, but I need to ensure my soul is pure, myself developed and my family in order, before I can make my greatest impact upon the world.